Monday, 15 December 2014


It seems almost perverse
Like logic
In reverse
That, with no time to rehearse
Without searching scriptures
Chapter and verse,
Without fathoming
How deep the purse
This finite man, Joseph,
Should adopt
The maker of the universe

The Maker who had first ,
Adopted him,
For better or  for worse
To be the one
Who would bear the one
Who would bear the curse,
To provide for the one
Who would disperse
The treasures of
This maker
Of the universe,

To Adopt the
Father of
The universe,

He adopted
The child
Who would be orphaned
By his death,
The child Who, by his death
Would secure Adoption
For all,

And Joseph gazed
Without biology
On the baby face
Of eternity
And saw first
What none could see
Previous to this moment
In history,
And took Jesus, to his heart,
Took Jesus, as his own,
Took Jesus, in a manger,
As if it were a throne,

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