Saturday, 6 December 2014

The Lonliest Christmas

I'm taking just a moment,
To be thinking of someone,
Who was alone this Christmas,
Who's only child is gone,

No ringing telephone for him,
No knock upon the door,
No one to sing carols with,
No one to talk of days of yore,

The nest is empty now,
His Son has gone away,
The loneliest time, he's ever known,
Has come this Christmas day,

No laughter, today, will fill his rooms,
No casual fireside chat,
The only one, who truly loved him,
Has left, and that is that,

So Spare a thought,
For Father God,
Who spent the first Noel,
Separated from his family,
So we wont go through hell,
The hell of being lonely,
For eternity and Amen,
He made, the ultimate sacrifice,
And gave up his son to die for men.

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