Friday, 27 December 2019

More About The Sore

Your remedy contained,
The diagnosis when,
You uttered the words,
You must be born again,

Like the need for a lung transplant,
Tells you a lot about that cough,
Like when the sore on the ankle
Means the leg must come off,

The old me is dead and dying,
It's terminal without remedy,
Riddled with sin and selfishness,
Condemned eternally,

I need a new me,
Now at last I'm sure,
The amputation you prescribed,
Tells me more about the sore,

More than moral philosophy,
More than Political Policy,
More than words of psychology,
More than observed Religiosity,

You must be born again,
The life and death sentence ,
A call to faith and love and life,
To the woken, a call to repentance

If you have a sore on your ankle and after the doctor does his test, he comes in and says "I have some hard news: We have to take your leg off just below the knee," then that remedy tells you more about the sore than many erudite medical words.
So it is with the remedy "You must be born again."~ John Piper (Finally Alive)

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