Friday, 6 December 2019

The Mundanity of Glory

There is glory in every step I take,
There's glory in the words I make,
There's glory in each strand of hair,
There's glory in expelling air,
there's a glory in just standing there,
For heavens sake,
There's a glory,...

There's glory in each fleck of spittle,
In the sting gained from the nettle,
There's glory in an empty kettle,
There's a glory in untested metal,
For Christs sake,
There's a glory,

There's glory in my sucsess,
There's glory in a gory mess,
There's glory when I fail the test,
There's a glory from soiled sunday best,
There's glory when I take my rest,
There is a glory in pants and vest,
for gods sake there's a glory,

There's a glory in a speck of dust,
Sitting there because it must,
In obscure places, barely, just,
Of no significance to us,
It bears the creators glory,
for gods sake,
There's a glory,

The company of heaven sing,
Of the wonders of this thing,
This small speck shall his praises sing,
And to his feet its tribute bring,
This humble feeble offering,
And stars and moon thier rendering,
Of glory, glory to our king,

In a speck of dust,
there is a glory,
A creators glory,
it belongs within his story,
That all his works shall praise him now,
And at last,
All shall bow,
And as one man say,
There is glory

M Joseph Burt 07-11-09

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