Friday, 6 December 2019

Satan Keeps Score

He keeps me looking at myself,
That's one to the devil,
And none to me,

He keeps my resentments on his shelf,
That's two to the devil,
It'll soon be three,...

He presents them to me with an air of stealth,
That's three to the devil,
And none to me,

He keeps note of my sins,
Of which there is a wealth,
That's four to the devil,
And none for me,

He poisons my mind and invades my health,
That's five to the devil,
And none to me,

He tells me I'm worthless,
Not good enough,
That's six for the devil,
now its getting tough,

He tempts me with pride and sexual stuff,
That's seven for satan,
And none for us,

He knows the scriptures,
Quotes it off the cuff,
That's eight for the devil,
And none for me,

He lies about everything,
And inspires lust,
Now that's nine for the devil,
And none for me,

But I trust in the Son of Gods blood,
That's none for Satan,
And its Ten for me,

I'll sing it through the ages,
In eternity,
Its none for the devil,
And Ten to me,
Ten to me,
Praise God,
Its Zero for the devil,
And its Ten to me

M Joseph Burt 10-08-06

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