Wednesday 7 September 2016

A Place Near Your Altar

Feathered down,
Bedded down,

Warmed up,
Fed here,
Yes, settled,

High up, here,
Safe and,

Loved here,

This nest is all I have asked for,
All of my yearnings and longing,
A place near your altar,
A place, beloved and belonging,

Hawk eye sight,
The searching of flight,
When all of my searching,
And all of my flights,
End with you.

You are my work, my play, my rest,
You are my destination,  my journey,
My home and my nest.

You are the home I leave in search of,
You are my longing and my longing's fulfillment,

You are my starting point.
You are my end.

Here I have made my home.
Here on this journey.

A place near your altar,
The shadow of your wing
Here I live,
Breathe ,

I would rather have one breath here,
Than a thousand anywhere else.

My eternal home.

The Cushion of The Years (Shield against Apollyon)

  Tonight, at 51, With the duvet pulled up to my ears, I will play myself to sleep, With the cassette replacement, Of the tape my mother bou...