Friday, 25 September 2020

Resurrection days

Every time I fall
Every time I fail
Every time I find myself
Chasing my own tail

And I hear your voice
Calling me back to life

That's a resurrection

Every time I let you down
Every time I sin
Every time I sell you out
To be saving my own skin

And I hear your gentle voice
Call me back to life,
Call me back to faithfulness

That's a resurrection

Every time I'm deserted
Each time  I'm betrayed
Whenever I am let down too
And I've got down on my knees
And prayed

And heard your loving voice
Call me to forgiveness

That too is a resurrection

And at the end of every road
That's led to a dead end
I've found the strength to turn around
And start all over again

Well that's a resurrection,

Each time I turn to Jesus
A kind of resurrection,

A resurrection
A new-life connection
A grave rejection
A forward projection
An insurance, a protection
A dark-to-light defection

Switched sides,
from dead to alive

Sown into the DNA of earth
In the shadow of every death
The dawn of a new birth

Each night we sleep, as dead
In the morning we arise
And the sun appears to rise
From the ground up to the skies

All around us

From the death of a single grain
Comes a harvest you cant contain

With Christ we're never dead and buried
When all is lost there still is hope
When down and out, we're never worried
There is always resurrection scope

We worship a living, risen saviour
His name is Jesus Christ
Victor over death and hell
And he holds the keys to life

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