Friday, 25 September 2020

Kingdom Principles In a Post Service Coffee Apocalypse

The Last Shall be First:

Unless I see him first
And let him jump in the cue in front of me,
Just to teach him a lesson,
(And maybe steal the real blessing)

And the First shall be Last:

Though his thirst shall not last in the temporal,
Though his lips are wet,
And his cup is full,
Though his custard cream crumbles,
And his belly no longer rumbles
He has received his reward,
And answers to the Lord,

That is, oh wait, unless....
He has found a way to invert humility,
And really he seeks to bless,
By going first and taking for himself the last place,
I bet that's it,
He's using grace,
He takes the biscuit,
And wins the race,

Or perhaps I am overthinking this,
In this post service coffee apocalypse,

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