Tuesday, 22 September 2020

Feel The Spirit

 You wanted a miracle,

And here it is,

The temporal touched eternally,

The physical world,

Hard copy,

Moved by unseen hands,

Invisible force made visible,

The evidence of the wind,

We don't see it,

But we feel it,

It moves the trees,

And though we don't know what 'it' is,

We give it a name,

It is not Christ 

Commanding into being,

Muscles and sinews,

Skin and new bone,

Stretching out the arm,

Where there was no arm,

It is not the leathered soles of sandled feet,

Succumbing to the resistance of water molecules,

It is not the dividing of the indivisible,

The subtraction of bread,

Becoming the addition of bread,

The division a form of multiplication,

It is not the immaculate conception,

It is no resurrection,

But here it is,


This tear,

That wasn't here,

And now is,

Carving a path down my cheek,

Through the tiny forest of miniscule hairs,

That sense it's passing,

Send signals to my brain,

In the code of a tingle,

That yes, it is here,

And a moment ago it was not,

Like the tree,

I am moved,

By a presence I cannot define, describe or contain,

Let alone explain,

Like the wind,

I feel it,

And without seeing,

I see it,

And though I don't know what it is,

I give it a name.

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