Saturday, 23 November 2019

All Of My Life

All of my life I've been looking for something

Something, somewhere, some place, someone

Something to cling to, somewhere to run to

Some one to love me/live for, some place where I belong

In all of the places, and people I've looked to,

There was something lacking, something wrong

As good or bad as they may have been

They're not the thing longed for, for so long

In the bottom of the bottle, or at the top of the mountain,

Whether I tasted ashes or I tasted air

I listened to voices, in the noise and the stillness

I scoured horizons but it wasn't there,

Down in the valleys I ran with the rivers

I followed the flow of any given stream

I climbed to the source and I swam to the ocean

But it wasn't in any of them, the elusive theme

The theme weaving through each subtle story,

The nuance to the waking dream

The truth behind the myth of satisfaction

The rock of the reality that lies beneath what seems

It's like I've been looking, all my life, for clues,

Behind polite lies and platitudes

The longitude and latitudes, the location of longing

Lay all along to lead to you,

And I'm here in this desert, this deserted wasteland

And I'm so thirsty and I'm still thirsting for more of you

Nothing can quench, No one can extinguish,

Nothing but you Lord, Nothing else will do

I've drank from the wells of the loves of others

Like draughts and gulps of sand they left me dry,

Dying, deserted and gasping for water

I've come Lord to acknowledge, Only you can satisfy

O God, I say, you are my God;

I'm earnestly, fervently searching and looking for you.

My soul thirsts for you; in a parched place with no water

my whole being aches and longs for you too

More than the deer pants for streams of water

So God, for you my weary soul yearns and pants, it's true

Even beneath my consciousness, in the mess and mayhem,

It asks when, oh God, can I meet with you?

When can I meet with you Lord,

When can I go, when can I slip away?

But come away with me my love,

Come away, come away, come away is what I hear you say,

When can I meet with you Lord,

When can I go, when can I slip away?

But come away with me my love,

Come away, come away, come away, I hear you say,

Yes God, I say, you are my God;

I'm earnestly, fervently searching and looking for you.

My soul thirsts for you; in a parched place with no water

My whole being aches and longs for you too

And you alone and only you,

Only you, My God will do

So lets forsake the fractured, cracked and broken cisterns

The ones we dug that cannot hold

And return to the ancient, source of living water

Unblock and dig again the wells of old,

In that day we will say “So here I am in the place of worship

Drinking in your strength and glory,
Your eternal love is better than finite life itself
And your endless mercy stretches out before me,

Oh God you are my God
Earnestly I seek you
(Inspired by Psalm 63, Psalm 42, Jeremiah 2)

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