Thursday, 14 November 2019

The Dark Red Tree

Those trees
What are they?
I don't know
I just know that there is one in a churchyard back home,
That overlooks your grave,

Those trees will always make me think of you
And I know
that you loved them too
In the moonlight
They are astounding
Silver leafed
Standing out in darkness

In daytime they are mournful
Mournful amongst the greens
Almost black
Almost extinguished
Absorbing most light

I delight

To remember you that way,
Often melancholy
Often gay
And I know you would be pleased I used
That word, that way.
Harkening to a better day
When innocence was protected
As well it could be in cultured thought

Oh God, you loved your art
And I treasure you
In a way no other will

Lie still
In the moonlight
My love

"I'll come to you by moonlight
Though hell should bar my way"

M Joseph Burt 02/02/06 (Revisions 14/11/19)

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