Wednesday, 13 November 2019

Mums Lost Poem

Of all the things I wrote,
There was that poem Mum,
That poem of my last time with you,
You know, that poem, Mum,

Of all the things I had to go and lose,
It was that poem, Mum,
The one when I remembered how it felt,
Got it?
Yeah, that poem, Mum!

The one where I said that it was the worst day of my life,
You know, that poem, Mum,
But I'd give all I possess to relive it once,
Yeah, that poem, Mum,

With Springsteen and incontinence and hymns,
All hymns were read, not sung,
You know that poem, Mum?
'till I sing it with you in the kingdom,
Yeah Mum, that's the one,

Of all the poems to go and lose,
That was the special one,
Oh that poem , Mum,
Wouldn't mean shit to anyone else,
But now I have a new one, Mum,

A poem to remember a poem by,
A poem to remember my last few hours with you Mum,

M Joseph Burt 02/06/06

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