Saturday, 9 November 2019

Get On Your Knees (And Fight Like A Man)


Get on your knees and fight like a man,
Fall on your face or you'll fall where you stand,
To gain victory; surrender; hold up your hands,
Satan cant grasp humility, he wont understand,

He won't see it coming, he won't dodge the blow,
Because when you have nothing, when you're bowed low,
He's got nothing to take, he's got nothing to throw,
He's got no target to hit and nowhere to go,

When you're surrendered, and it's all in Gods hands,
He'll give you the ground, he'll give you the land,
Wherever you tread, the dry ground where you stand,
Becomes a place of pools, in place of the sand,

Why fight to hold on, when you let go to win?
Gather the soldiers, get rid of the sin,
Get rid of what hinders and the pride deep within,
Unsheathe your swords, It's time to press in,

You've taken my best years, You've assaulted my kin,
You've laid me lower than I've ever been,
You've stolen my hope, You've tainted everything,
A sword now for Gideon, a sword for my King,

Our weapons aren't carnal, we don't fight flesh and blood
Were pulling down strongholds through the power of God
And every argument or pretension that sets itself up,
Against the knowledge of God, we bring it under the blood,

The Blood of Jesus, The blood of the lamb,
I overcome you in the name of I am that I am,
And the word of my testimony and the sword in my hand,
And the shoes of the Gospel of grace, in which I now stand,

And the blood soaked, battle worn bullet proof vest,
That protects my heart with Jesus righteousness,
And the shield of faith I've held since my youth,
All held together with the belt of God's truth,

Spiritual postures for earthly realities,
Spiritual weapons to fight all of these,
Demons and voices and all enemies,
I'll fight like a man, and get on my knees

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