Thursday, 14 May 2020

Save Me (From Self Preservation)

Save me from getting there first,

Save me from quenching my thirst,
Whilst others are gasping,
Take the glass that I’m grasping,
To quench the thirst that is worst,

Save me from malnutrition,

Save me from a diet of ambition,

From pulling them down,

So I rise and not drown,

Conditioned to need recognition,

Save me from spilling my guts,
Save me from joining the sluts,
Selling my soul,
To shin up the pole,
Kissing up to the ‘Ifs’ and the ‘Buts’,

Save me from shoving my head,

In the sand or hiding in bed,

Open my eyes,

And make me wise,

To those dying, who soon will be dead,

Save me from sitting on hands,

Save me from watching the sands,

Trickle down through the timer,

Sitting by, feeling finer

Than I have any right to demand

Save things from going as planned

Save me from the promised land

If they can’t enter heaven,

Without me putting sweat in,

Let me sweat till I’ve dried out my glands,

Save me from my next slap up meal,
Save me from expository zeal,
To preach the word,

Can be so absurd,

When the poor are still hungry, for real,

Save me from turning away,

My lord, when I meet you today,

If I have food and water,
Make me ready, ‘cos I oughtta,

Give you a meal and somewhere to stay,

And save me from having to ask when,
When did I see you again,

When did I say,

To you, ‘go away!’

When Lord? Won’t you please tell me when?

And Lord, save me from my condemnation,
And save me from final damnation,
From ‘keeping my life’

But loosing it twice,

Save me most of all from self preservation.

Teach me Lord, to take up my cross,
To count it up, but consider it loss,
Teach me to say,
'I'm dying today',
For you are worth any cost.

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