Saturday, 2 May 2020

No Loneliness For The Long Distance Runner

I'll train you up,

I'll be your coach,

You were there for me,

When I needed it most,

When you reach the end,
I'll raise a toast,
But for now I'll pray for you,
In the Holy Ghost,

I pray for joy,
I pray for strength,

I know not how,

Long the length,
Of the race of faith,

We've started on,
But I promise you this,
You were born (again) to run,

To run as one,

Who's met the son,

To run towards the setting sun,

Time is short,

We're getting on,
But Christ's the one,
We're betting on,
Dig deep into him,
Keep pressing on,

The race isn't short,
It's a marathon,

We need each other,

To carry on,

This race is cross country,
And all terrain,

And at times you will feel the pain,

I'm here for you,

I'll take the strain,

With God's love and grace,

We will sustain,

We will finish,

What we began,

And look back on,

This race we ran,
And know we've given all we can,
In our race into,

The promised land,

This race has hurdles,

This race has sprints,

We can swap techniques,

Give tips and hints,
This race takes place,

Whatever the weather,

But chin up my friend,

We're stronger together,

We are in this for the prize,

Some might think it's ever lasting lives,

No, It's for the look in Jesus' eyes,
When he says 'faithful servant, well done,

Now come in and take your rest, my son',

Though by his grace I'll get there too,

I'll take as much joy from hearing it said to you!

This race isn't run

In isolation,

We run together,

For inspiration,

Side by side,
At times, for consolation,

The encouragement in,

Each situation,

Running together,

In one accord,

On spirit, One Body,

One church family,

One the Lord

We run together,

Let us see,

How inventive we can be,

In encouraging love,

And helping out,

In affirming faith,

In facing doubt,

Let us consider,

One another,

How we can,

Spur on a brother,

A dig in the ribs,

Or a giddy up!,

When on the brink,

Of giving up,

How is it that,

We can stir up a sister,

When she's running,

Like she's got a blister,
A supporting arm,

When she starts to hobble,

A timely word,

When she starts to wobble,

We all need help,

When we hit the wall,
Need reminding of,

The Lord of All,

We run like we're a unit; One,

And we'll have to pass on the baton,

The race is run,

Like it's a relay,

So pass it on,

Don't delay,

I suspect it was,

Passed on to you,

So, know who it is

You will pass it to,

Those before,

Are the cheering crowd,

The witnesses, around,

Ahead, about, amassed, an awesome cloud,

They're cheering us,

Let's do them proud,

Can you hear them?

Starting quiet,

But growing loud,

So dig deep, grit teeth,

Run harder now,

And leave no one behind,

One of heart, spirit and mind,

Running in one accord,

Run together,

running on,

Cheering on,

Building up,

Don't stop,

Running together,
For the Lord

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