Friday, 22 May 2020

The Lastest Bestest

The loser wins,
The winner loses,
The free man cannot,
Do as he choses,

The first is last,
The last is first,
The worst is best,
The best is worst,

The poor are rich,
The rich are poor,
What's yours is mine,
What's mine is yours,

The bereft shall sing,
The happy weep,
The grabber forfeits,
The giver keeps,

If you lose it now,
You gain it later,
The greater the lesser,
The lesser the greater,

If you want to be master,
Then learn how to serve,
Pray then for mercy,
Not what you deserve,

And follow the King,
(Through whom all is made)
As he washes our feet,
On his victory parade,

He became sin for us,
He who was pure,
He was locked out for us,
He who opened the door,

He became last for us,
He who is first,
To gain best for us,
He endured the worst,

He endured shame for us,
He endured the worst,
Now glory is his,
Forever the first,

The dead come alive,
While the living are dead,
All hail the King,
Who turns things on their head

M. Joseph Burt (13.09.07)

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