Wednesday, 27 May 2020

The Year of His Favour

Thank you Lord,
For the mercy I find,
I'm Jezebel,
I'm Gomer,
I'm Eve of a kind

For I sinned first,
But you first loved me,
I sinned second,
And third,
Add infinity,

And when I felt like,
I'd reached capacity,
Your grace
Lets me fall,
So I can really see,
How deep,
And how far reaching,
This sin thing can be
How dark and relentless,
And unending 
The unbending enemy,

And you restore me,
And forgive me,
And show your love to me,
Knowing all the while,
I'll fall again, eventually,
The event may even come sooner,
Even while you're restoring me,
This wellspring of wandering,
As wide and deep,
As the deepest, widest sea,

The year of favour,
Is so good
And so long,
The door is held open,
For mercy all life long,


The great day for vengeance,
Will be swift and short,
And the hills will be levelled
And the great reduced to nought,

And your Kindness,
Would have me remember how it feels,
To know the year last a long time,
But the day is on it's heels

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