Saturday, 13 June 2020


How I'd rather,
You took me in your arms,
And spoke to me, 
Comfort me with warmth and charm,
Throw off all your restraint,
Shield me from all harm,

I'm often alarmed that you don't,
And it's not so much that you can't,
But that you wont,

And it feels like I'm lost, afloat,
A passing leaf, adrift, 
A boat 
That slipped it's moorings,
And all my crying and outpourings,

If they are heard or not,
Does it matter a jot?
For the result is the same,
A lone candle
A wanderer on the water,
Taken by tides,
Looking for quarter,

And all I want is home,
All I want is you,
All I want is love,
And all I want to do,
Is love,
And be loved,

And in love,
You leave me to my devices,
It's a discipline,
I don't understand,

One day I will write a poem,
About the why of it,
And I'll sing of your love,
My strength and song,
My song and shield

Hebrews 12:5-11

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