Tuesday, 30 June 2020

Cast Down

Laid low, lost my glow,
Nowhere to turn, nowhere to go,
In free fall, in tail spin,
Nothing to grab,
To stop or slow me,
From falling in,

From the toast of the town,
I'm cast down, to class clown, 
Lost my crown but found my frown,
Cant do a verb, 
A doing word became a noun,

A non-swimming swimmer,
Quickly drowns,

The whirlpool, Sucked me in,
Murky waters but lucid wallowing,
Despair licked lips start swallowing,
I feel peeled,
Hope's core is gored,
And hollowing,

Where is the voice,
I could be following?

The waters have, washed over me,
Like the breakers of the sea,
Your water-falls down inclines so steep,
From heights of flight, to the deepest deep,
You call to me,
To wake from sleep;

The Night time dawn-songs,
Sound morning-sweet,

And as my breath is squeezed away,
I hear my voice begin to say,
Why so downcast, soul, today?
Why disturbed and in dismay?
Look up, look up,
And hope in God,
I will praise him anyway,

I had been downcast
Cast down,
And drowning fast,
But now I'm free, 
Free at last, 
And for this time the time has passed,
The trial tried,
But it did not last,
And freedoms praise 
Is glorious, expansive and vast,

I'll tie my colours to the mast,
I'll raise the flag and praise with every gasp,
He is good, 
And His goodness lasts.

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