Wednesday, 10 June 2020

The Least I Could Do

In this life,
There's so much,
Shit and gold,
Warm and cold,
Sour and sweet,
Grass and street,

The least I could do,
Is be grateful,
And enjoy it,

If I can't find,
The faith to work miracles,
I could if I ponder,
Find some wide eyed wonder,
And a dawning sense of awe,
For all that's gone before,

The least I could do,
Is be grateful,
And enjoy it,

In this world,
There is so much,
Horror and treasure,
Sin and pleasure,
Loss and gain,
Benevolence and pain,

But the least I could do,
Is be grateful,
And enjoy it,

I can naval gaze,
I can spit,
In despair,
In the face of it,
I can cringe,
I can seeth,
I can winge,
At the path of greed,

But I will have missed the chance,
To take a stance,
And be grateful,
And enjoy it

 M. Joseph Burt  (15.7.6)

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