Wednesday, 17 June 2020


I say speak,
But am I ready to listen,
 eyes pulled to the side,
By something that might glisten,
Ears filled with noise,
That toys with my attention,

 Speak, I say,
In my condescension,
Speak I say,
Whatever you may mention,
Speak says my mouth,
But my heart is in detention,
Ensnared by many things,
That set up some pretension

Some pretension,
Of worthy distraction,
Some pure lure,
That causes an attraction,
But worthy as it is,
Not worthy of my reaction,
Not worthy of your glory,
which can't be shared,
It cant hold a candle
Or ever be compared,

Speak I said,
But wasn't listening,
Lord let's try again,
Whatever that may bring,

And lord let me remember,
What you say isn't always spoken,
And words, as we know,
Can often become tokens,
But just as we speak through,
Body language and behaviour,
So you speak to us,
Through beauty and nature,
You love not just in words,
But through the sacrifice of the saviour,
Let that speak always,
Of a love that never wavers,

If we only learn your language
learn to read in silence and in patience
We'd see your voice is at work,
In our situations,
You're always saying something,
Even in the silence
To be still and to know,
Is something we should try once,

At least once,
Or perhaps maybe twice,
Still your soul and listen,
Let the mystery entice,

My mother used to say,
You hear but you're not listening,
Open up your heart and ears;
See what difference this will bring,

Shut down your facebook,
Turn off the phone,
Stop your little brother crying,
Give the dog a bone,
Cancel your appointments,
Get somewhere you're alone,
Sow generously in time,
You'll reap what you have sown,

Sow to the spirit,
Reap what is right,
Shuffle out of the darkness,
Step into the light,

Incline your heart,
and incline your ear,
If you are really listening you'll know,
God is here

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