Monday, 18 November 2013
Her Mothers Eyes (for Rachel on her wedding day)
Sunday, 20 October 2013
Wreck me,
Undo me,
Unravel my soul,
Spill my heart on your altar,
Finish the job,
I asked you to start,
Before walking away,
I want to fall on this rock,
Be broken on it,
Like a thrushes anvil,
Smash me open,
Pick out the meat,
Spit out the shell,
My defenses are killing me,
This fortress is my prison,
Bust me out,
Break me up,
Let me fall
On this rock,
Like I will fall at your feet
Abandoning all hope
There is no escape
There are no escapes
Fall On the founding stone
Before it caps me
Wreck me
Ruin me
Rule me
Ravage me
Because of your Kindness
Because of my blindness
Wreck me
With your love
Ruin me
With your grace
Spoil me
So no other will lure my heart
Wreck me
Lead me to repentance
With your kindness
I see the saviours face
Drenched in my spit
And my mouth has run dry
I see the saviours cheeks
Bruised from my repeated blows
Is the only option
For he and I
I saw myself
In the mirror of his eye
And he wrecked me
My hand
And I can hit no more
I am finished
So finish me
I pray
Monday, 14 October 2013
Before the foundation of the world,
Three foundless foundations
Were laid,
The Father;
who saw all, in his infinite love,
And in his unflinching wisdom and kindness, called it good,
And chose us, In love
The Spirit of Holiness;
Who brooded over the face of it all,
Who brewed with wild, dangerous and playful creativity,
And in the making, reached from one side of eternity to the other in his comforting embrace.
The Son;
The lamb laid down before a single brick of the universe ,
The laid bare arm of God, The sleeve rolled up; the offering,
The cornerstone.
Now build with us,
Says Love,
What will remain
Thursday, 10 October 2013
Let Down
Let down,
Left to drown,
Left at the altar in your wedding gown,
Left looking up on the long way down,
You looked long for a smile in sea of strange faces,
But you only saw a frown,
That boat never came and no one saw you drown,
Floating like a bedraggled angel in your ivory gown,
Left to drown,
Let down.
Friday, 4 October 2013
I am Grateful
For the times when time is still as a rock
I am grateful,
Tuesday, 1 October 2013
The death of a poet
The continuity announcer,
Announcing a discontinuity,
Seamus Heaney, she said,
'Who recently died'.
Something in the way she spoke those words,
The stress and emphasis, slightly obtuse,
Made it sound,
Like yet another achievement,
For the great man of words,
Like He had picked up,
Yet another award,
Yet another prize winning poem.
Like it was simply the last thing to do,
On his to do list.
And it strikes me that this, in itself, is inherently poetic,
Leaving them hanging, like that.
That death, for a poet, is a stepping off,
Of the final page,
A dot, dot, dot,
If you will.
footprints trail,
Just occasionally it is a precise and full, stop.
I heard a man once say,
In a church building,
stripped of images,
and full of words,
That we are Gods poem.
Words into flesh,
and back to words
I like to think, Dear Seamus,
that he had just finished a verse...
Saturday, 14 September 2013
The unbearable lightness of being fat
The wreck of Titanic,
Their skinny bones lie on the sea bed,
In a sea of misery,
Beneath the waters of drudgery,
Tuesday, 3 September 2013
The glove box.
So the moment is over,
Our faces, sewn up,
As stitched as our words,
As tailored with patches,
That conceal rips,
Rips that will eventually,
Stretch the new borders of their searching extremities,
Hidden rips,
We stand about, heads low,
Hog-tied hands on our hips,
In forced conversation,
Which keeps struggling back to the surface,
For air.
This car, we surround, is the last nail in the coffin,
The final purge,
My father's finally cleansed his house,
All visual representations,
Of her,
Are gone,
Or at least they will be,
When my sister drives off in it.
It will no longer be,
The marble that tips,
the see-saw,
Grief sits alone,
Weighing twenty stone,
But will not pick its ass off the floor.
Not if he can help it.
And just when it seems you are gone,
When we are pretending,
That the reason we are there,
Is actually this car,
And not your death,
Not his unfaceable grief,
An afterthought,
A by the way,
He leans in,
And flips the catch,
On the glove box,
And out tumbles,
Comically spring loaded,
Your fur trimmed hat,
Your scarf,
Your gloves,
We gasp,
And though the emotion,
Is stamped on, reclaimed,
Stuffed back, hurriedly,
Like a child clamps its hand on its mouth,
After the forbidden words have escaped,
It can not be anything but acknowledged,
And though it is not referred to,
And it it's heartbreaking to see my fathers face so nearly crack,
Like a fart in a lift,
An elephant in a room,
We all know,
That you've been there,
And though my family are reined,
And though the tears were restrained,
The smallest trace
Of a smile on my face,
Is not.
I love this fragile painful truth.
Like a daisy breaking the pavement.
You wont be denied.
Saturday, 31 August 2013
Allow it to ripen, cant eat no greenberry,
12 months to wait till I can get greensmelly,
Greensmelt and greenmerry,
I can use my greenbelt, to whip into them,
How I greenfelt, I was green, keen and greendealt,
The perfect hand,
At Greenbelt
Till then I'll just have tighten my,
Tuesday, 27 August 2013
Piggy Torch (An ode to Claires torch)
Even though you couldn't light,
The smallest tent interior,
Piggy torch, O piggy torch,
You have such great responsibility,
To shed the light of truth,
Onto a dim point of utility,
Piggy torch, O piggy torch,
You're not to blame, what can I say?
Night is not your medium,
You work better in the day,
And besides, O pretty pink piggy torch,
You've much to deal with, caught in the middle,
Between such a daunting task,
And a woman who likes a fiddle,
A shameless piggy fiddle.
Saturday, 24 August 2013
Nor alchemy or sorcery,
It is not fakery nor forgery,
Not trickery nor mimicry,
It's not intelligence,
Nor is it your 50 cents,
Not your pound of flesh,
Not indulgence for your interests.
Not a means of gaining praise,
Not a passing phase, to fill some days,
It is not for you to fill your pockets as you tread the grain,
I'ts not for you, I will say it again,
It is not,
For you.
Your ministry,
Is service.
All the rest,
Is worthless.
Sunday, 18 August 2013
My Catalan Angels
As is my love with the only one,
Who would get this love token,
Referred to, as the golden paint's gone,
The words of the song are not sung,
Nor spoken.
Honeymoon Souvenirs
From when my love had just awoken,
Plaster of Paris from the plastered in Barca,
They hung on walls of our habitations,
In the first flat, as concession, the pride of place,
Over the years, they were relegated from walls to corners,
And then finally drowned in the other ornamentation on the book case,
When I left,
I half expected you to fight me for them,
But I had not read enough into their slow decline from favour,
Had not realised that I had projected our shared love,
Onto the Cherubs,
Their child like naivety and joyous expressions,
Like my own simple trusting nature,
Were just begging to be slapped.
When I asked If you minded if I took them,
I don't even think they merited a shrug,
And now their decapitated, crumbled remains,
Legs gone, Wings clipped,
Plaster exposed and gold paint chipped,
Hang like a grotesque trophy on my walls,
Of a love that's fallen asleep,
And will never cease from counting sheep,
And I am still attached,
To a choice of purchase,
I convinced myself we had both made.
simple faith
To work this out,
To arrive at the answer,
To irradicate doubt,
I want to get it right,
To tick all the boxes,
But my tick wont fit,
And that's what the shock is.
The 't' wont be crossed,
The 'i' wont stay dotted,
The ink like blood has spilt,
My mental page is blotted.
I cant unsee what,
I've seen from a boy,
I cant ignore the feelings,
I chose to employ,
The twin hounds of faith,
And doubt, have grabbed one leg each,
They're tearing my trousers,
With razor sharp teeth,
And as they pull,
And fight for my jeans,
It seems what's neglected,
Is the Man underneath.
And I come to realise,
That it's not faith but beliefs,
That I can shed these trousers,
And walk off in my briefs,
Hand in hand with my saviour.
This simple act of faith,
Is a complex act of trust,
A resigning of self,
But an all-essential must.
Monday, 8 July 2013
I concede,
It's just, I lied
Just as bad,
Just as lame,
Just as if,
I made this game,
I just wanted you,
To know my name,
Saturday, 6 July 2013
The soul of the soil,
The life of the earth,
At first trees muddy birth,
As sinews snaked from seed,
And belly crawled towards the light,
For more of the warmth that hugged the brown earth,
That stirred it so,
That raised its sap,
To start with.
The light welcomed its emergence with enthusiasm,
Caressed its budding leaves with its soft yellow rays,
The tree had knowledge,
The tree knew the garden,
For the first time,
Before the gardener began,
And it was good.
Before man,
It was abuse of the tree,
The wrongful use,
Of right, ripe fruit,
That gave way,
To the gateway,
For great decay,
The garden gives up its guardians,
As rotten to the core,
The trees sway a farewell,
As they gaze on the heel of Adam,
As it disappears on the horizon.
And the solution came from the soil
The healing was in the tree,
The tree cleansed the very air,
That gave wind to man's lies,
The tree lent its support,
To the wait of the saviour,
Bore him,
For just a little longer,
As Christ clung,
The Tree's embrace lifted him,
Crimson and Glorified,
Like a mid-wife's hand presents the baby,
To the waiting world.
The solution sprung from the soil,
As the sap, sent down, revived it,
The sap of the righteous tree,
Whose oaky sap was shed for me,
That all men shall be saved,
When they embrace the tree.

Wednesday, 5 June 2013
One last flourish
A final year like Keats',
Poem-strewn floor,
Like flowers at my feet,
As the wedding arrives,
After 52 weeks,
And lasts but a day in the sun,
And for a few more years the marriage continues to run,
Or limp on,
A blossoming climax in the summer sun,
After a life time of being buried,
The seeds journey is done,
The cycle complete,
The circle's become,
And fat,
And rotund,
And now that it's gone
Now I've drained the fund,
The suffering is worth what has become,
A life spent in dirt,
For my moment of Sun,
To stretch out the petals and unfurl,
To silence the voices,
To show the girl,
What she's lost,
For a moment like that,
It's worth all the cost,
One aggressive, defiant last charge at life's gate,
One lightbrigade shout,
One Samson style take,
The pillars out that support their mistake,
To think that they've got you down,
Burn out and shine in the heat,
Or slowly drown.
For one last year like Keats,
Poem-strewn life,
Like flowers at my feet.
Sunday, 26 May 2013
A nest,
A place near you altar,
A lasting rest,
I lay this sleeping-bag-body down,
I lay my home,
Where ever your heart is,
It's were the start was,
It's where the end is,
That's my home.
It has a door,
That's open to strangers.
Closed to the dangers,
A welcome, cosy fortress,
My mattress,
Is in you.
When I sleep.
When I wake.
I am with you.
When I sleep.
If I make,
My bed on the far side of the sea,
When I wake.
You're with me.
My home,
My home,
My home.
Saturday, 25 May 2013
The seed of her,
Within its translucent crust,
The small and hardened husk,
The seed thought,
The essence,
The key,
To all she will ever be,
The flowers and thorns,
There combine,
Encoded in genetics,
Hidden from time,
But their advance is unflinchingly assured,
This seed could push up though obscured,
Through all concrete,
High heels on high street,
Though you once danced to another beat.
All that you are now,
Was there then,
All I was then,
Is gone.
An empty shell,
By the feet of the boy,
But you once bought me,
So much Joy,
And pain.
Now you're out of your shell,
I'm vulnerable,
And you are tougher,
Tough as hell.
Sunday, 5 May 2013
Meandering prayer
Be narrow,
But may my route,
My openness of heart
And my capacity for love,
Be broad,
May my meanderings,
Always take me to preordained places,
Sights I needed to take in,
Travellers who change my outlook,
May my map book be all the sweeter to me,
For all my wonderings,
May my returns to the way,
Be frequent,
And joyful
And may my destination,
Never change,
In all my roaming,
And dreams.
Back to the heart.
Thursday, 28 March 2013
Not knowing you are the piece of grit,
That has formed a thousand poem pearls,
Whoever I've loved,
All the girls,
That irritation was the one,
That would last me a lifetime long,
The sorrow that you're gone,
How many times can you give a pure heart?
It turns out,
For me,
Just the one.
All that's come since has been stained,
Stained by mistrust and remembered pain.
Just once could I love like that,
I loved you. You loved me.
I held nothing back.
I believed you were the one,
I believed I'd found shelter from the storm,
When I came across your door,
I didnt realise it lead to the cellar,
(I was such a naive fella)
Where I'd spend the next twenty years,
Writing poetry pearls from the source of the tears.
I'd take all those pearls now,
And happily cast them at the feet of the sow,
Or the feet of the swine,
That took you from me,
Back when you Were mine,
I'm still doing time in that cellar,
Trying to find a way to tell her,
Through poems she never will read,
Through pearls strewn round her imaginary feet,
I'm lost to the cause, yeah, I know.
Stuck in a moment, like emotional snow,
I can't even lift one of my shoes,
To take even the first step away,
From this memory of you.
You loved another man too,
How did that work out for you?
Do you write poems....?
Look out the window,
It's never stopped snowin'
Thursday, 21 March 2013
I got lost in the asking
To ask a stranger grey,
For directions to the day,
When I could finally say,
Who I am.
And I got lost in the asking.
The roads on which I ran,
Were carved out by another man,
The detour another distraction,
From the milestones of the land,
Guided by a controlling hand,
Losing time like falling sand,
The rock on which I stand,
Was crumbling all along.
And I got lost in the asking.
They told me it was a sin,
To search for truth within,
They told me to be like them,
And so my soul went in,
To the production line,
Of Church
And state.
And I got lost in the asking.
There is a hill,
Where saviours still,
Welcome thieves with dying will,
No conditions to fulfil,
Outstretched arms appeal,
Come in, Come in,
Just as you are,
However you feel,
Just as you will.
Oh Father,
I got lost in the asking.
As I am, with but one plea,
That thy blood was shed for me.
I just thank you father,
For making me,
Wednesday, 20 March 2013
Scanning my phone to find out what's what,
A reply, a like, a post from a "close friend",
My mind on my facebook,
When does it end?
Notify me,
I have to see.
Real life events on a real timeline are passing me by,
My wife up and left me, I never asked why,
I commented on her relationship status,
"It's complicated" actually means she hates us.
Notify me,
I can hardly see.
All day long the ancient of days,
Holds out his hands, shows us his face,
But the notification doesn't come on my phone
So sadly I miss the alert when it's shown,
God, notify me.
I need to see.
The vibration setting of a tuned in spirit,
The alert of nature can cause you to hear it,
The love of real friends can give you a taste,
Of the eternal love in the book of the face, of the king,
"He loves you,
You're wanted",
Notification, every minute, every day,
Father cares is what The Son says.
This is the notification,
Of your salvation.
O Lord,
Notify me,
I want to see.
Monday, 4 March 2013
My Soul: Listed on eBay
and a cheap stay,
I sold my soul,
On eBay,
He pays,
When she says,
It's a neat phrase,
"I sold my soul,
On eBay",
The free phase,
Was a freak craze,
A weak gaze,
At chic ways,
"He sold his soul,
On eBay"
The key lays,
Beneath ways,
Of THE maze,
Where he prays,
For free grace,
To repay,
The price of his soul on eBay,
A knee graze.
Stung in sea spray,
We pay,
For our cheap stay,
We flee away,
From our D Day,
The free play,
In the freeway,
While the sheep lay,
In the deep hay,
They sleep-pray,
Not weep, fey,
The fee's waved,
Like he says,
A second chance offer,
My Soul redeemed,
On eBay.
Wednesday, 13 February 2013
November snowflakes on a February Morning
It's late in the morning,
And late in the day,
The snowflakes fall,
In silence they play,
They dance now before me,
In the midst of my life,
Then lie there amelting,
In the eve of this strife,
This son or this daughter,
Their journey to earth,
The recycle of water,
On the way to rebirth,
In not-quite blizzard before me,
The ground unchanged,
Save a little damper in absence,
Nothing's remained,
How perfect and short,
This white snowfall is,
The end in the middle,
The never-was kiss.
I turn to the side now,
And look in the book,
The half-thumbed pages,
Of an ageless hook,
The hook of the highlife,
The hook of the hook,
Now hidden in lowlights,
With the peace that it took,
For falling and melting and absorbing can be,
Draining like life on its return to the sea.
I sit here in cold and shiver a little,
At the full life that ended somewhere in the middle,
It was over before it began,
And the snowflakes danced,
And the children ran.
Wednesday, 30 January 2013
apathetic accounting
And the godless are godless still
as they spend their dying breath,
Their earthly credit has expired,
Now they give their account,
draw on their damn pension, once retired,
Who are we saving from the fires?
Do we sit on our nest egg
Whilst they are forced to beg?
When weighing up the cost,
Of reaching out to the lost,
Do we charge it to you or I?
Lets split the indifference.
Clever little fish (The Wisdom of Goldfish)
We know almost all the bowl,
From one glass side to the other,
Partial knowledge fills the whole.
We can even see out beyond the glass,
To blurred images of the gods,
That send down precious flakes from heaven,
That falls most every morning,
No matter what the odds,
We speculate about what we see and where they go,
When they go out the door,
The outer reaches of the universe,
Our top scientists are pretty sure.
We are such clever fish,
We've come to this conclusion,
That the first fish in the bowl arrived here from a piece of algae,
By the process of evolution.
We can rest assured now,
That we know most everything,
And if there's a flaw in our logic ,
Well, ignorance is king.
Friday, 25 January 2013
Poem for no-one
This is a nothing poem,
A nobody verse,
There's no-one known,
There's nothing worse,
No sigh more alone,
Than a corpse in a hearse,
Than an unanswered phone,
In the home of the cursed,
An echoing drone,
In search of reverse,
The poem of a dead man
The knowing of his dead-pan plan.
Like the sonar of a bat like man,
Feeling his way,
Through the echo of the ricochet.
HELLO, hello, hello,
Is there anybody out there?
Just scream,
The poem of a dead poet
Who's a dead man,
Know it.
Sunday, 13 January 2013
He is still brooding
I can still feel his presence now,
He is still brooding over me
Like the dissolving foot impression on the wet sand,
Waits for the kiss of the Sea,
To be absorbed by the touch of the Sea,
Long I looked for him,
As the ships came and went and disappeared from view,
I stared from the shore, unsure if I should stay,
but I stayed for another day,
I saw gulls following trawlers, all signs of life,
Heard winds and rumours of squall,
Heard children cry and mariners tales,
But nothing of the all in all,
Not a note from the one who calls,
I bought binoculars and telescopes,
Sat navs and scoured images of google earth,
But the images were as dead, as dead as My mother,
As dead as my source of birth,
As dead as my sense of worth,
Where have you gone? I shout to the sky,
Where are you? I challenge the waves,
Where is the touch that I first felt,
When I reached out to the one that saves,
The one who hoodwinked the grave.
Why did you go?
Seen all life and all seasons pass,
Where did I go wrong?
Perhaps your love wasn't so strong?
“Just once more before you die,
trust me again,
trust is the train,
Without it your just stood at the station...
Trust me for the duration...”
I looked down at last , not up or long,
And saw where I'd been standing,
Where the land meets the seas,
I'd been in up to my knees,
Ugly and demanding,
In lack of understanding....
all the day he came to me,
because he never left me
I’ve been standing by the waters
The train is pulling away,
If I run now,
I can jump the bow,
make the train,
If I just pray,
Do with me what you will
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